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Selles videos teeb Hironori Ōtsuka. Katat, mis kannab nime Rōhai. Otsetõlkes haigru vaatepunkt vms, miks on videos teised kanjid. Mis tähendaks antud juhul seda, et katal peaks selle taustal mingi mõte ikkagi olema. Aga mis see võiks olla? Mis mõte jääb siis üle katale? Kui kata kaudu tehnikaid õppida pole mõtet, mis mõte katal üldse on? .
What is Wadokai Spain? H Takagi Wadokai Seminar in Madrid 2014. Trainings, Courses, Championships. The 3 Ks of Karate. Condolences to the great Toru Arakawa Sensei. Most sincerely condolences to the great Toru Arakawa and all his family,. We, from Wado Kai Spain, wish to extend our deepest condolences at the. We consider it an honor to have become a part of his legacy through Wado Ryu Karate here in Europe.
43nd European Wado Kai Championship. Order the new Wadokai Europe tie. You want to know who we are? Check out our Members page and consult the member countries files for more information. European Wado Kai Karate Championship 2014. Sign up to receive news and information about European Wado Karate and upcomming FWE events.
Swedish Karatedo Wadokai and Samurai Dojo - Home. com - Mambo Joomla Professional Templates Club. Welcome to Swedish Karatedo Wadokai and Samurai Dojo. Svenska Wadokai - Karateklubb Samurai Dojo. Valhallagatan 3, Box 5231 S-402 24 Göteborg Sweden.